50 Questions To Ask Your Long Distance Boyfriend (When Things Get Dull)

Hi there, lovelies! It has been a while since I wrote a post about long distance relationships.

So today, I wanted to share with you some questions to ask your long distance boyfriend. Especially when things get dull and you don’t know what to talk about.

If that happens to you, don’t feel ashamed! Things like that happen. We are humans, not a chatting machine.

Not only I will give you some questions, but also a few topic ideas that can help you when the conversation seems to be ending and you don’t know how to keep it flowing.

Also, I want to mention that lately I’ve been getting many messages from you guys, telling me about your love stories. You have to know that makes me so happy!

Remember that you aren’t alone in this journey and you have a friend here to talk about your struggles. You can send a message through my contact form, or a simply DM on Instagram!

50 Questions To Ask Your Long Distance Boyfriend (When Things Get Dull). Longs distance Relationship Tips. Relationship Advice. LDR. Make A Long Distance Relationship Work. What To Talk About With Boyfriend. Relationship Conversations. Conversation Starters For Long Distance Relationships. What To Talk About With Boyfriend. Elephant on the Road.

How To Keep The Conversation Flowing

I’m the queen of random and dumb questions, so we don’t usually run out of topics to talk with my boyfriend.

If we aren’t talking about our day, we discuss the news, send each other memes and videos, and talk about the current pop culture.

Sometimes I even mess with him about what I think it’s weird about the American culture. It’s all about to have something to share.

When we aren’t talking about those topics, we try to go a little deeper and ask about how we are really feeling. If we are struggling with something in particular or if we just want to vent.

I’m also that kind of girlfriend that ask dumb questions, like, would you still love me if suddenly I lose all my teeth? Or, if I’m watching a show and some drama happens, I would ask an  hypothetical questions like; what if your friends hire a girl to seduce you because they don’t like me and want us to break up, what would you do?

Yeah, that’s me.

Sometimes (and without realizing) we find ourselves in a monotonous routine. We keep asking the same questions over and over again, when we should use that time to get to know each other better.

It doesn’t have to be serious question all the time. Sometimes funny questions can tell us a lot about the personality of that person.

These questions to ask your long distance boyfriend will help you to discover more about him, and about you as well!

50 Questions To Ask Your Long Distance Boyfriend (When Things Get Dull). Longs distance Relationship Tips. Relationship Advice. LDR. Make A Long Distance Relationship Work. What To Talk About With Boyfriend. Relationship Conversations. Conversation Starters For Long Distance Relationships. What To Talk About With Boyfriend. Elephant on the Road.

Questions To Ask Your Long Distance Boyfriend

1. If you could know more about any one Thing, what would it be?

2. What is the greatest strength of our relationship?

3. Are you happy with our current level of emotional intimacy?

This question is important to ask! No matter if you don’t run out of ideas to talk. Being in a long distance relationship means that we have to grow that side of our relationship more. If we aren’t doing that, then the relationship won’t go to the ideal direction.

4. What’s the best name you can think of for a pet?

It’s fun to think about your lives together. If your significant other loves animals, this is a great question! This opens a real good conversation of what kind of pet you want, how many, which dog breed is your favorite, etc.

5. What are your top five things on your bucket list?

6. If you had to kill five innocent people in order to save my life, would you?

A little dramatic, but I always have so much fun answering this questions. It’s so interesting when we can analyze the circumstances.

7. What is your favorite family tradition?

This question will also let you know how your life together would look like. If he likes to do certain things in Christmas or for his birthday! My boyfriend and I have different traditions for Christmas, we actually celebrate more Christmas Eve, while his family do all the activities during the 25th. Now we just have to figure out how are we going to do both traditions.

8. Would you rather have unlimited savory foods for life or unlimited sweets for life?

9. When the day comes, how do you want to celebrate closing the distance?

10. What are some of the thing you want to do the next time we are together?

Planning the next trip together is super fun and makes the distance a little less awful. I love making plans and this is a great way for me to be less anxious about out long distance relationship.

11. Would you rather be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team?

12. If a genie granted you three wishes right now, what would you wish for?

13. Would you change anything about yourself?

Important question because it lets you know his struggles and insecurities. So even though he doesn’t asks for help, you can do little things to make him feel better about himself.

14. You find a book and begin to read only to discover that It’s your life. You get to the point that you are at now, do you turn the page knowing that you will not be able to change the events to come?

15. Do you think we have grown as a couple since we started our long distance relationship?

This is a great way to know if you guys are going in the right direction. Remember to always be open and ask his opinion about things. You might think everything is going fine, but for him it might not be like that. If he’s one those guys that doesn’t open much, you need to ask to make sure everything is going well. Communication is key!

16. Do your family supports our relationship?

17. What is the thing that annoys you the most about me?

18. Would you rather go 30 days without your phone or your entire life without dessert?

19. What would you think is our greatest weakness as a couple?

Reviewing all your aspects as a couple is important. Here and there you should stop and analyze how things are going. What are you struggling with, and what needs to change. Just like when you do end of the year reflections, so you can start fresh.

20. Do you feel emotionally supported?

50 Questions To Ask Your Long Distance Boyfriend (When Things Get Dull). Longs distance Relationship Tips. Relationship Advice. LDR. Make A Long Distance Relationship Work. What To Talk About With Boyfriend. Relationship Conversations. Conversation Starters For Long Distance Relationships. What To Talk About With Boyfriend. Elephant on the Road.

21. Would we have a long distance relationship if we were living in the 18th century and the only way to communicate was by letters once a moth?

22. Describe your dream vacation.

And who knows, maybe you can make it happen for him one day!

23. Do you feel loved?

24. What are some of the things you hate the most about our long distance relationship?

I mean, obviously the distance, but what else do you think he hates about being apart? Ask to be specific! So interesting to know your significant other’s point of view!

25. How would you deal, if you ever get in a disagreement with one of my family members or friends?

Hard question! Although we probably won’t know for sure how we would react to a certain situation, is good to know how we think we would react.

26. What’s something you misunderstood as a child and only realized much later was wrong?

27. If you only had a week left to live, what are some things you would do?

28. What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?

29. Would you go to jail for something that I did, so that I would be able to keep living my life?

Also, how would you feel if he does that? Would you just accept the love and let it happen? Interesting question, right?

30. What moment in our relationship did you feel loved the most?

31. You suspect that your neighbors may be abusing their child, do you mind your own business or call the police?

32.What’s the most useless product around today?

33. Do you consider yourself materialistic?

34. What’s something you always wanted to do as a child but never got to do?

35. What were your thoughts the first few months of our long distance relationship?

I love this question! Mostly because I’m nosy and I want to know what my boyfriend thinks. Also, it lets you know what they went through that time. In my case… I was insanely jealous. It was son hard at first!

36. Someone calls me something horrible. Do you let me fight my own battles, or jump in and defend me?

37. If you could permanently change one movie ending, what would it be?

38. What are some of the things you want us to do together?

Then you can continue this conversation and start a couple’s bucket list! Create a Google Document that you both can edit and keep adding. It can be for the times you are together or for when you finally close the distance.

39. Who or where would you haunt if you were a ghost?

50 Questions To Ask Your Long Distance Boyfriend (When Things Get Dull). Longs distance Relationship Tips. Relationship Advice. LDR. Make A Long Distance Relationship Work. What To Talk About With Boyfriend. Relationship Conversations. Conversation Starters For Long Distance Relationships. What To Talk About With Boyfriend. Elephant on the Road.

40. Do you think we communicate well? If not, how can we fix them?

41. Do you ever feel like being in a long-distance relationship holds you back?

Hard question right here! The answer might hurt a little if he says yes, but also know that he is with you for a reason. You decided to go through the distance because you love each other, but let’s not lie to each other. It’s hard. Especially when we don’t know when are we closing the distance.

42. Do you think is possible to be only friends with someone of the opposite sex? Would you mind if my best friend was a guy?

We already know that is hard to trust your partner when you are in a long distance relationship, but now you also end up worrying about the people that surrounds him. It can be a co-worker or a friend from school. In most cases it takes a few trips before we can met all his friends. This kind of things can drive anyone crazy!

43. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

44. Do you ever rehearse a phone call beforehand?

45. Do you ever get jealous? Explain some situations that spark jealousy.

46. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

47. If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?

48. Describe me in 3 words.

49. Do you think distance has  helped us grow individually?

This is an interesting perspective. In my case I think it has help me a lot. I’m more patient and I have learn how to communicate better my feelings. What do you think about this question?

50. You are offered a pill that makes you 50% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?

Does it happen to you that you run out of ideas to talk about with your significant other? If that happens to you what do you usually do? Let me know in the comments!

Also, if you want to read more tips about long distance relationships, click here.


PS: If you are looking for a cute gift for your long distance boyfriend or girlfriend, check out my love coupons below!

You can get them for just $5.75.

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  1. well, I asked all these question my partner we also long term relationship he told me even never go die for me behalf me but yes he can safe me somehow but not die for me and even not kill any innocent people for save me before he try save me but not kill other even he say I love you you are beautiful I don’t understand in which beauty where came but I not think he love me he never do anything for me even if I said he told me he not do and said me he love me limit lessly but i not believe but thank you these questions very helpful know her better

  2. Thanks Melissa for these questions! Do you have any tips on how to come up with more? My boyfriend and I started our relationship long distance and I feel like we’ve gone through every question list out there! We know so much about each other we already understand how each other thinks and theres times we just sit in silence happy to know hes on the other end of the line. He hasnt said it bothers him but I want to do more to show I care. I just dont know how yet!

    1. Sometimes questions can come out of nowhere. I start conversations with my husband after watching a show, videos or reading articles. There’s always something new!

  3. Just what I need for my boyfriend and I we’ve been off topics lately
    Knowing very well he won’t answer all the questions to my expectations lol but I’m ready to give it try and see where we stand
    Thank you so much Miss Melissa 🙏🏻🤗

    1. Men can be hesitant to answer questions that make them uncomfortable, so let him know that is important for you to know the answer of them.

  4. Oh woow!
    These questions will be helpful to my relationship. My boyfriend has been complaining about my communication skills.

  5. Our we started relationship while apart and we have only been in it almost a month. Going to try out these questions, won’t they make me seem desperate? Dolcy

    1. no girl they really wont it will actually help you in the long run its important to ask a lot of questions especially in a long distance relationship me and my boyfriend have been together for almost a year and we are long distance also and i ask a lot of question too.

    1. Some men aren’t very responsive to serious questions but you can try different ways. You can make it a game so he can feel less overwhelmed or you can create a more serious environment when you ask these question. Depending on what he feels more confortable with. And just let him know that it’s important for you.

    1. That’s great! Having long conversation (and trying to get to know each other better) is a great way to spend you time!

  6. Love these questions! I’m going to try these with my boyfriend, just a flare. Ty!

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