27 Ways To Show Love In Long Distance Relationships

In today’s post, I want to share 27 ways to show love in long distance relationships.

I know that finding new ways to show love can be a little tricky sometimes (especially because of the distance), but it’s important that we try different ways besides saying (or texting) the good old ‘I love you’.

I know that finding new ways to show love can be a little tricky sometimes, but is important to try different ways besides saying (or texting) the good old 'I love you'. Share on X
27 Ways To Show Love In Long Distance Relationships. Long Distance Relationship Tips. LDR. Relationship Tips. Relationship Advice. Love Life. Long Distance Relationship Advice. Elephant on the Road.


Do you struggle to find ways to show your love to your boyfriend or girlfriend while in a long distance relationship?

It can be hard. We rely too much on our phones; but at the same time, what else can we do to make the relationship more special and less boring?

Saying ‘I love you’ never gets old and it’s important to say those words and let the other person know how you feel, but… are there other ways to show your love?

Of course! And it’s not hard if you try. Also, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on that.

Yes, gifts are the second best option and it’s a great way to start, but shipping something can be expensive depending on where your significant other lives.

Just take a look at these 27 ways to show love in long distance relationships. It will help you to get more ideas!

Saying 'I love you' never gets old. It is important to say it and let the other person know how you feel, but… are there other ways to show your love? Of course! And it's not hard. Share on X

Ways To Show Love In Long Distance Relationships

1. Order Them Food

Treat your significant other by delivering their favorite food. You can even send lunch to his workplace! That’s always a nice touch and shows how much you love him/her, without saying it.

If you are asking yourself how to do it, it will depend on the area you live. If your significant other lives in a city, then this option gets a little easier with all the different apps that are available.

Just make sure to set it up the right way so it will show you the restaurants around your boyfriend or girlfriend.

I have used this method to send my mom and grandpa gifts for their birthdays and special occasions. It works very well in my experience.

I’m currently in the US. My mom lives in Chile, and my grandpa in Peru.

2. Ask How Their Day Was…

…and how they are feeling!

This is such an important question to make, and you should never assume your loved one is doing fine if they don’t tell you otherwise.

Sometimes you need to push them a little. Especially because you can’t talk to each other in person. For that reason, it can be hard to know if they are being honest or just trying to avoid a problem.

This shows you care and you are there for them.

3. If They Have Problems, Ask What Can You Do

You might not be able to help because of the distance, but you can offer different ways to give a hand.

Maybe they need someone to talk to. The point is… offer solutions! Even though you can’t do it yourself, maybe he or she can a find someone who can do it.

4. Send A Care Package

Care packages are the best. You put together a box or basket full of their favorite things and that will show how much you know them. It makes it extra special!

I know that if your significant other lives abroad that option might be too expensive, but you can always simplify it and send something smaller.

In the end, the important thing is the intention.

Every year I send my boyfriend a postcard (with Ink Cards) for Christmas. It’s not something big, but he knows the importance behind the detail.

Another option for couples in an international long distance relationship is to look online on different websites that deliveries in the country the person lives.

For example, if your boyfriend lives in Australia and you are in the US, look for companies in Australia that deliver gifts. That way you can save the international shipping. Amazon is a great option.

Or you can go directly to Gift Baskets Overseas and look all the option they have. They send gifts everywhere in the world!

5. Don’t Forget To Text ‘Good Morning’ And ‘Goodnight’

This is a classic and you should never skip it.

Yes, here and there you can forget because you have many things on your head or maybe you were just too tired to text. That can happen and you shouldn’t feel guilty if you do it, but have in mind that it shouldn’t happen a lot.

Remember that the other person doesn’t know what you are currently doing. You can’t see them the next day and do things together.

The little things make a big difference. Let your significant other know! Also, how nice is to wake up to a good morning text?

Knowing that’s one of the first things the other person makes once they wake up is a great feeling. You are a priority and so are they!

Don’t Forget To Text 'Good Morning' And 'Goodnight Share on X
27 Ways To Show Love In Long Distance Relationships. Long Distance Relationship Tips. LDR. Relationship Tips. Relationship Advice. Love Life. Long Distance Relationship Advice. Elephant on the Road.

6. Try To Plan A Surprise Visit

I know that sometimes is not possible, but try to make it happen! Maybe just change the arrival day and surprise him a few days before the  ‘real’ date.

This is the kind of surprise everyone wants once in their life. How amazing it is to see the person you love when you aren’t expecting it? So romantic!

7. Talk About Physical Touch

This is one of the hardest parts of a long distance relationship. Not being able to see your significant other whenever you want, kiss them, or sleep next to them at night is hard.

So it’s a good idea to talk about all those things you wish you could do if you where in the same room.

Tell him/her how much you wish you were together in the same place, how you wish you could put your arms around them, etc.

This is also a great opportunity to talk about the times you have been together.

You can go to the next level too, if you know what I mean. Also, have in mind that if you don’t feel comfortable with dirty talk, just keep it as far as you are willing to go.

8. Video Chat At Least Once A Week

Texting is faster and easier. I know.

It’s also very frustrating when you are trying to video chat and suddenly your WiFi starts acting up. So what happens next? You end up frustrated instead of happy.

It happens to everyone. So if you rather not deal with connection problems, at least try to do it once a week.

It’s so nice to talk in front of a person instead of just looking at your phone screen the whole time. You can see their faces and see for yourself that they are okay.

9. Send Videos

Pretty much every social media app has the option to send short videos.

Instagram is my go-to when I want to do it. Have fun with that and be creative.

You can do it throughout the day to show him your daily tasks (basically it’s sending him private Instagram Stories) or a longer one of you singing or being silly.

Tell them how much you love them! It’s even more special when you can hear it and look at the person you love at the same time.

10. Ask About Their Day

A very important thing you should do every day is asking this. Some people need to hear this question before they can open and share what’s going on with their lives.

I always ask my boyfriend how his day was. He normally answers with one word to describe the day. It makes me remember those times my mom would ask ‘how was school’ and I would answer ‘fine’. So communicative, right?

If that happens a lot, just start a new conversation or ask a more specific question. Most likely something happened and they want to share, but they are too tired to do explain it. It’s also tiresome to write every detail on a text.

27 Ways To Show Love In Long Distance Relationships. Long Distance Relationship Tips. LDR. Relationship Tips. Relationship Advice. Love Life. Long Distance Relationship Advice. Elephant on the Road.

11. Make A Playlist

Create a playlist on Spotify or Youtube with the songs that are important in your relationship or with those songs that have been part of moments in your life together.

I created one with the songs that have been playing on our dates and the ones that make me think about him.

When I miss him I listen to that playlist and it brings me back to those happy memories. That’s very special!

12. Tag Them On Funny Videos Or Memes

Nothing says more ‘I’m thinking about you’ than tagging your loved one in videos and memes all over social media.

It sounds stupid, but if you take time to tag someone on a meme, is because you want the other person to laugh as well or maybe because it made you think about them.

It’s like saying: ‘Here, watch this video of a puppy falling down the stairs because I know that would make you laugh’. The person knows what makes you laugh, and that says a lot.

13. Trust Your Partner…

… and let him know you do.

It’s an amazing feeling to know that the person you love, has your heart and it won’t do it anything on purpose to break it.

The thought of knowing that your significant other will guard and protect your heart means a lot.

14. Send Voice Messages Throughout The Day

Sometimes I get lazy and I avoid texting; so instead, I send voice messages without realizing that it’s even more special to do it here and there.

Like I said, we get too used to texting that we forget to change the ways to communicate with each other.

I love listening to my boyfriend’s voice telling me ‘I love you’. Being able to actually hear it, makes me really happy.

15. Listen To What They Have To Say

Listening is a good way to show love in long distance relationships. Most likely, you are his best friend as well; and when something important happens, you are the first person to know.

When they are sad, they will want to be in contact with you.

I know that sometimes time difference can complicate the situation. You can’t always be available at the same time when they want to talk, but there are ways you can make it work.

Just make time to listen, and even though you might be busy, it’s important that you understand how to balance everything.

Remember that you can’t see each other whenever you want, and it’s important for them to know you are available when they need you.

27 Ways To Show Love In Long Distance Relationships. Long Distance Relationship Tips. LDR. Relationship Tips. Relationship Advice. Love Life. Long Distance Relationship Advice. Elephant on the Road.

16. Tell Them How Much You Miss Them…

…and also try to show it.

I know it can be hard to show it, but try to find ways that your actions (or what you say) let them know that you miss them.

For example, you can print pictures of you together to have them in your room or use a picture of your boyfriend as your phone wallpaper.

I tell him cheesy things like, ‘I have your picture here because that way I can see you every day and sometimes I even kiss it. I really miss you.’ Those sweet words can make a difference.

17. Send Him A Gift You Both Can Enjoy

It can be tickets for a concert or something more intimate.

Whatever you pick he will love, especially because it means that you have to be together to do it.

Getting excited over things that will happen soon always help to feel less sad over the distance. It gives hopes up when things get hard.

18. Don’t Ignore Them When You Are Out

I mean, I know you are busy with friends and you aren’t constantly paying attention to your phone; but also, you have someone at the other end of the phone who loves talking with you and want to know you are okay and safe.

People that aren’t in a long distance relationship don’t understand the importance of checking our phones all the time. 

I’m not glued to my phone because I’m constantly checking social media. I just I need to communicate with my boyfriend.

So check in with him/her here and there, tell him where you are going, talk about what your different plans for the night are and just simple things.

Just don’t go a whole night without answering. One, he will worry; and two, he will feel ignored when we know is easy and fast to reply.

You don’t need to have a deep conversation at that moment, but a few sentences here and there should be enough.

Also, let him know before going out that you won’t be answering fast because you will go out with friends. That is very important!

19. Send Open When Letters

What a classic! Open when letters are sweet and perfect for when you are just starting your long distance relationship. The first goodbye sucks, so having something you can read when you are feeling down is a great way to lift spirits.

20. Make a YouTube Playlist With Videos

I’m a fan of funny videos and creepy videos. My boyfriend knows that and when we are together we spend some time watching those videos.

I think it’s a great idea to make a playlist with those videos you think your significant other will enjoy.

It’s a great way to say, ‘I know what you like and I hope you enjoy this playlist that made me think of you.’

27 Ways To Show Love In Long Distance Relationships. Long Distance Relationship Tips. LDR. Relationship Tips. Relationship Advice. Love Life. Long Distance Relationship Advice. Elephant on the Road.

21. Send Snail Mail

It’s more romantic when you do it like the old times and as a surprise.

You normally expect bills and ads in your mailbox. Imagine realizing you get a letter from your significant other, instead of boring things? What a sweet detail, right?

Surprises are the best, especially when they come from someone you love.

22. Be Loyal

It goes hand in hand with trusting your partner. Let’s be honest. You are human and loyalty is always a problem in long distance relationships.

So when you go out with friends, don’t forget you are actually in a relationship. You don’t know how many times I have heard ‘What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him’.

Those people might be right, but it will hurt me as well. Is a shitty situation you have to avoid if you want your relationship to keep growing no matter how far you are from each other.

23. Talk About Your Future Together

There’s nothing that makes me feel more excited than talking about the future with my boyfriend.

It means we are going in the same direction and that we both see each other together living in the same place.

Even if it’s our imagination talking, it’s nice to make plans and know that we both think.

24. Be Patient

Patience is relevant. Many things might not be in your favor. Time difference, work schedule, family, and friends.

It’s important that you can see above all those bad things and keep going. There are going to be times when you won’t know the next time you will see each other, which will bring stress into the relationship.

Be patient and positive. Things will work out.

25. Send Pictures Of Yourself

Do you hate taking selfies? Forget that! Sending pictures is important.

Your significant other can save them and when they miss you they can look at them.

I love looking at the photos when I feel sad; and even though it makes me miss him more, I still prefer having them.

26. Laugh Together

So important! Couples that laugh together stick together.

You don’t really need to have the same sense of humor. Being silly and laugh over stupid things is a great way to bond.

I’m that kind of person who laughs over the most boring things, so is not hard to make me laugh. I enjoy doing silly things in front of my boyfriend to make him laugh. We have such a good time!

27. Digital Dates

This sounds a little weird, but when you aren’t together in the same city, then you need to improvise.

Video chatting can get boring, so change places and make it a little different.

Maybe watch a movie together, play games or eat in front of each other the same way you would do if you were together.

Just try different things!

So what do you think? What else would you add to the list? What are your favorite ways to show love? Let me know in the comments!


Melissa Cruz.Blog Signature. Elephant on the Road.

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