Reflections Of A Long Distance Relationship During Quarantine

I’ve meant to write my reflections of a long distance relationship during quarantine for a few weeks now.

I have gotten many messages asking for my opinion about what’s going on in the world and how COVID-19 is affecting long distance relationships; but with the current situation, my inspiration is not at its best.

To be honest, my head hasn’t caught up with my feelings yet; so in that matter, I’m all over the place.

I don’t want to sit down and think about my feelings and how this pandemic has messed with my plans and my relationship. So I’ve been keeping myself busy working, reading books and watching movies.

The reality of this situation is that: I missed my flight on March 30th to reunite with my boyfriend, and it has been five months since the last time I saw him. Also, our plans to close the distance, have been put on hold. Which was something I was super excited to do.

Reflections Of A Long Distance Relationship During Quarantine. Long Distance Relationship Advice. Long Distance Relationship Tips. Long Distance Relationship Quarantine. How To Maintain Relationships During Self Isolation. Long distance relationship Tips During Quarantine. Elephant on the Road.

I’m trying not to focus on the bad. Lately, I have been training my head to be more positive (practicing the law of attraction here, people!). So even though the reality of our situation is not good, and my plans aren’t working as I thought they would… I’m not upset.

Just a little worried. Because, when is this going to end? It’s clear that we aren’t going back to normal in a long time. So, what does that mean for my relationship? Are long distance relationships in danger?

No, but it does adds a weight that wasn’t there before. That means that we need to shift our plans to still make the long-distance work, and we need to be patient and not get desperate.

Eventually, borders will open and we will be able to travel again. Although, that doesn’t mean we can travel freely like we used to do before. The virus is still out there and we need to be careful.

In general, I just want to send a message of positivity.

Yes, things are though at the moment, but we need to keep pushing and keep loving: because at the end, that’s the most important thing.

Don’t let yourself feel hopeless and think that this is it, that you aren’t going to be able to see your significant other again. Because that’s not true.

Being in a long-distance relationship during quarantine and a pandemic is not easy, but hey! What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? That applies to your relationship too.

Do not panic. Or at least, take turns to do that! The last thing you want during this quarantine, is to create an extra distance in your relationship. Drifting away is common in long distance relationships. So be careful.

Try to talk as much as you can, and take this quarantine as an opportunity to try something new.

You can check out my post about the 11 Must-Download Apps For Long Distance Relationships. Those apps can help you to get out of the routine.

I also recommend this website if you are into games like Pictionary. Preferably play it on desktop, since it doesn’t have a mobile version. Start a video call, create a private room, and play!

Or you can use this time to start deeper conversations. During this pandemic, important questions should be asked. It will help you to get to know better your significant other.

It can be something like: what would we do during an emergency? What are your thoughts about what’s going on in the world right now? How would we handle our finances in an extreme situation like this?

It can also be something more serious like, what are your wishes in case you died? Or something funny like; if this was a zombie pandemic, what would we do to survive? The opportunities are endless!

If you need some help to come up with questions, I also have a post with 50 Questions To Ask Your Long Distance Relationship Boyfriend.

Another thing you can do during this quarantine is to send a gift. It can be something as simple as a chocolate, or something more complete like a care package.

If you are on a budget, you can check out this list with 7 Cheap Christmas Gifts Ideas For Long Distance Relationships. Obviously, it’s not Christmas, but it can help you if you want to send your boyfriend or girlfriend a little treat.

I also have a book of Love Coupons available in my shop if you are interested! You can send them in an envelope and use it when you are a finally together. You get 18 gifts in 1 for only $6.50!

Love Coupons Poster

Another thing to have in mind is that; even though you are miles apart, that doesn’t mean that you can’t show how much you love them, appreciate them or miss them.

It can be tricky to do that from afar, so let me help you out with these 27 Ways To Show Love In Long Distance Relationships. It will give a few ideas on how to do that.

Finally, if you are feeling overwhelmed with the situation, we can talk! Send me a DM on Instagram or use my contact form.


Melissa Cruz.Blog Signature. Elephant on the Road.


  1. Met someone wonderful just before the world went on lockdown while we were both visiting the Caribbean for a festival. After the trip I went back to the US and he went home tor France. We’ve been spending these last few months getting to know each other on a much deeper level and I’ve for sure fallen in love. It’s hard to plan our next move without knowing when or where we can reunite, but it definitely created a super strong bond between us. I know everything happens for a reason and right now, i’m just grateful that I have someone to share this experience with in a positive way.

    1. This is the perfect mindset for your situation. Yes, at the moment it’s hard to plan anything, but at least you imagine how you would like the visit to go. That way, you will have an idea of what to do, once it’s safe to fly again.

      I wish you the best!

  2. It’s so nice to read how positive you are in this situation. I am in a LDR since Covid-19 closed all the borders. Now it has been almost 6 months I haven’t seen my partner and I am feeling so sad because the end date is still so far away since Australia closed its borders completely. I hope I can find my own positive mindset back soon. But it’s good to read some positive words.

    1. Hi A!
      I understand how you feel. I have been sad, then upset, then sad again hahaha but honestly sometimes is not worth it. Like, I literally I just can wait. I can pray, I can use the law of attraction, anything that helps me to feel positive. I also have been super busy with work so I’m thankful for that. It makes me worry less.

      I wish you the best! The borders will open soon and we can go back together with our significant others <3

  3. Ever since this Croronavirus craziness started, my partner and I decided each of us to stay with their families because none of our parents seemed like were taking the situations seriously.

    It’s been almost two months and this is the strangest feeling ever to be apart for this long.

  4. I was in a long distance relationship for a ping time. What kept me going was knowing exactly when we would see each other next. This is a difficult time for everyone, and this post was so thoughtful.

    1. I agree! Knowing when you will see your significant other next definitely helps with the anxiety of the situation. Luckily this pandemic will get controlled soon.

    2. For me it’s the same, not knowing when is really pushing my anxiety and bad attitude at the surface.. And even now, october plans got cancelled, we have december plans but is it going to get through ? We really don’t know. How do you do to face that and not let it affect your everyday life and relationship ? LDR was quite easy to do for me but now I feel like I don’t even enjoy my own life.

      1. Hi Marie! It’s definitely frustrating, but you need to remember the final goal! I took almost a year to see my boyfriend again, and now that we are finally together… the time waiting was worth it. Hang in there!

  5. I can’t even imagine how tough it’s been for you two during this time. Actually, I can imagine it, because the first year of my relationship with my now-husband was long distance, and it was really challenging. But I’m glad you’re keeping a positive perspective (as much as possible), because the truth of the matter is that this will all come to an end eventually, and then you two will be reunited!

    1. Yes! Now we are just changing our plans which is no that bad. I always believe that everything happens for a reason, even though this reason is quite complicated. It won’t stop us!

  6. Long distance is hard already and I can only imagine how much harder the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic makes it. But I love how you’re staying positive + these tips will help a lot of people!

  7. I feel you on the closing the gap pain. All we can do now is stay positive and keep loving our partners. Thanks for this article 🤗

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