How To Prepare Your Home For The New Year
There are many different rituals you can do at the end of the year to welcome the New Year with open arms and full of abundance in all aspects of your life, but this time I’ll be focusing on our living space.
That’s why I created this guide that will teach you how to prepare your home for the New Year.
In one word, this is all about: cleaning.

tip: don’t leave everything for the last day of the year. You can start a week before December 31st.
Cleaning is exhausting and it requires time and energy to do it. That’s why the recommendation is to not leave it to the last minute. That way you can do the rituals while you are feeling happy and full of positive emotions.
The point of these rituals is that you can get rid of the stress and all the trails of negative energy that has been in your home for a whole year.
Not only the ones that come from you, but also the ones that come from other people that have been in your home.
Now, I’m exactly talking about those people that simply don’t wish you well; but some humans-beings might be going through hardships and their vibrations are low. Without realizing, they leave traces of that “low energy”, and you don’t want that in your home.

How to Start
1. Get rid of the things that don’t bring you any value
Go full Marie Kondo mode.
Analyze each room, and everything you own. From clothes in the closets, to the little things you will find in that multipurpose drawer (a.k.a the junk drawer) we all have in our homes.
Get rid of the things that are broken. In the kitchen, check the expiration dates of your products. Think about the things you don’t want anymore, you can decide if you want to sell or donate them.
Make sure that every little item you own, has a designated space.
2. Clean your your home
Before starting cleaning, make sure to look at your cleaning supplies; and if necessary, get new ones. You can replace sponges (my personal favorite, scrub daddy), cloths, disinfectants, etc.
This is a good idea, especially if you want to make the switch to more eco-friendly products.
Another thing to have in mind is that, if you like it, try to use cleaning products that are lemon-scented. Why? Because the smell of lemon is a natural stress reducer.
Not only that lemon (or citrus fruits in general), are known to have a purifying effect and absorbs bad energies.

wash and open windows
Why am I talking specifically about cleaning your windows to prepare your home for the new year? Well, Feng Shui experts say that windows are the eyes of your house (and the eyes of those who live there).
Having dirty windows can lead to blurry perceptions of the world. If you want to welcome new things in your life this New Year, you want to be able to see with clarity.
They are also key to letting out bad energy and letting in good energy, which allows to have a free flow of the energies in your home. So don’t forget to open your windows!
tip: boil some lemon slices, wait until it’s cold and pour into a spray bottle. Then, spray the lemon water around your home entrance and windows. Or you can submerge a rag into this water, and clean around your windows and door entrances. This will also help with the bad energies.
Wipe down all surfaces
Dust is old and dirty energy. So make sure to go through every corner in your home to get rid of it.
tip: having a good air purifier will help you throughout the year to control the dust and other particles in your home.
Sweep and mop your floors
Sounds weird, but there’s a special way to sweep and mop your floors for New Year’s.
First, start on the farthest spot from your entrance door and continue in that direction. The point here is to get rid of the old to make room for the new. That’s why it’s important to sweep and mop from the inside out.
In a way, you are dragging to the outside what doesn’t believe in your home.
tip: you can mop your floors by mixing vinegar and sea salt. You can also add a few drop of your favorite essential oils.
PS: Don’t forget about your carpets.
After cleaning
Once you finish; give yourself a well deserved shower, wear comfy clothes (preferably white or light colors), light your favorite candle, and enjoy your clean and fresh place.

3. Try rearranging your furniture
By simply rearranging the furniture in your home, it would give you a feeling of newness and renovation.
These small changes will help to create a vibe of new beginnings, without having to make big changes or spending a lot of money.
This is a great idea, especially if you are craving a new start for the New Year, when doing major changes in your life is not possible right away.
4. Use home decor to attract abundance
Every color has a meaning. So if you want to attract something in particular, make you sure to add those colors into your home decor.
If you don’t want to buy more decor, a good thing you can try is to get candles of different colors.
For example: a white candle will help attract peace and harmony to your home, yellow or gold to attract money, red for attracting love, etc.
If you want to know the meaning of different colors, you can take a look at this article. If you are more interested about the meaning of colors in Feng Shui, then check out this one instead.
tip: when you light your candle for the first time, make sure to set an intention for the new year when you do it.

5. Cleanse your home with Palo Santo
Once your home is clean and tidy, now is time to do some cleanse.
You can burn different dried herbs (like Rosemary), or you can even try to burn incense if that’s something you prefer.
In my case, I prefer getting Palo Santo for several reasons; but mainly because I grew up with it since is native to South America (and I like how it smells).
Burning Palo Santo will help with raising vibrations, purifying and cleansing your space.
Just light one end of a stick and spread the smoke as you would do with dried herbs. You can also play a Youtube video with cleansing sounds (like this one) as you walk through your home.
You can purchase Palo Santo in different places like: Anthropologie, Amazon, or Primally Pure.

6. Get some plants or flowers for the New Year
If you don’t already, make sure to get some plants in your home. Not only they look beautiful as decoration, but they will also give your home a fresh touch.
Moreover, it will help positive energy to enter and flow around your home. That way you will have an harmonious and balanced environment.

7. Don’t forget about decluttering other areas in your life
Even though it’s important to start the New Year with a clean home, you should check other aspects in your life that might also need a “clean up”.
It could be your finances, your phone, email, etc.
You can check out this post with 3 Things To Do At The End Of Every Month To Be More Organized. It will give you some ideas of what you can declutter in your life (especially with point #2).
For more posts about the New Year, click here.