How To Plan One Year Of Amazing Blog Content In 7 Days

Welcome back, lovelies! Today on the blog, I’ll be sharing how to plan one year of amazing blog content in 7 days.

I know it sounds crazy and maybe non-achievable. We are talking about a year of content! But believe me, it’s totally possible. I know it sounds like a lot, but in reality, is not that much.

For example, I like to publish a new post once a week. Thats a total of 48 posts a year. Which is not that much if you think about.

Having a content calendar is going to be a game changer for you (it was for me!). You will feel less pressure and you won’t struggle with the lack of inspiration. Why? Because you will have content no matter what!

Back in 2017 (when I just started my blog), I wasted so much time thinking about what to write about.

I was stressed at the end of each month trying to come up with ideas for the next one. I would pressure myself so much, that I end up writing super boring posts with no real content.

The system to plan one year of amazing blog content in 7 days will show you how to find ideas to write about and how I organize them.

How To Plan One Year Of Amazing Blog Content In 7 Days. Content Calendar For Blog. Blog Post Ideas. Blogging Tips For Beginners. Organization Tips For Bloggers. Blog Tips For Beginners. Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas. Elephant on the Road.

How To Plan One Year Of Amazing Blog Content In 7 Days

Planning your content in advance can be a little bit overwhelming. Especially if you post more that once a week.

The worst thing that can happen to a blogger is when they hit a wall and you are unable to come up with content for your blog, or social media.

This system I created is super useful, especially when we feel uninspired or burnout. Which is super normal and can happen at any time!

Sometimes life doesn’t go as you planned, and even though you had content for the whole year doesn’t mean that you will have to stuck with that.

What I mean by this, is that even though I have my content calendar set up, sometimes I don’t feel like writing. Even though I already know what to write about.

Or maybe I wasn’t feeling like writing about the topic I had scheduled.

That’s another reason why I like this system so much. Not only I come up with blog post ideas to write about during the year, I also save “easy” topics or blog post ideas for when I want something more light to wright about.

Also, if possible; write your content in advanced as well. Especially if you are going on vacation or you want to go on vacation.

Now, these are the steps I follow every year to fill up my content calendar for a year. Plan one year of amazing blog content doesn’t have to be overwhelming!

1. Download OneNote

Or any other software that can help you to organize better. It can be Evernote, Word, Google Docs or a simply a notebook.

Why do I like OneNote? Mainly because it’s free, and you don’t have to pay to get more features like with other apps.

I also like it because you can organize everything in notebooks, sections, and pages. Basically, it’s like having several notebooks on you computer or phone.

For example I have two “notebooks”. One for the blog and another one for random things.

Another thing I like about OneNote are the features it has. You can add stars if something is important, add a to-do list, draw, and more.

You can also synchronize it with your phone which gives you easy access everywhere you go.

2. Organize Your Notebook

Once you download the app and sign in, the first thing you are going to do is organize your blog notebook.

To do that simply click on File > New Notebook. A window will open and you will have to name your new notebook and choose a color for it.

After you create a notebook you will have to add a section. To do that you can rename the one that automatically appears or simply click on “Add section” on the bottom left.

I would name the section something like content calendar or post ideas.

Then you want to add a page. Each page will be a year.

As you can see, I have been following this same system since 2018 and it works amazingly for me. I never run out of ideas to write about!

3. Write Holidays & Celebrations First

You can see a little how I organized my OneNote. I have different folders and in every folder, I had different pages. It’s a complete app that it’s very easy to use!

The first thing I do is to write every single month of the year, then I add every single holiday or celebration I want to write about.

This will help you plan better your seasonal content. Not only to write about it in advance, but also to reach out to brands in case you want to create sponsored posts.

For example, you now that in February we have Valentine’s Day. In December we have Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and National Cookie Day.

Type on each month all the holidays and celebrations that are related to your niche.

Not only that, you can also add the start of each season in case you write content that is related to the four seasons.

For example: skincare routine for winter or summer activities.

4. Create A Title For Each Month

The next thing you have to do is write every month of the year as a title.

Then add as many boxes as you want. It will all depend on how many posts you want to write per month.

In my case, I set a minimum of 4 posts per month. That way I can know how many posts I have to write no matter what. This is key to plan one year of amazing blog content.

You might ask yourself why I use those boxes. The answer is very simple. I love checking off those boxes when the posts go live.

It makes me feel like I’m doing something right and everything is working out. Which always make me feel proud!

5. Start Thinking Your Post Ideas

Like I mentioned before, you can do this whole process through another app or on a notebook. Which can be fun too, because you add different colors and be creative with it.

Why I prefer using this app? Because I like to have it with me all the time in case I’m not at home.

That way I can easily write my post ideas on my phone if I feel inspired out of nowhere. We know those things happen to creative people, so I just want to be prepared.

Now that we added the titles and the boxes, we can start the process of planning one year of amazing blog content in one week.

Basically, what I did to create this yearly content planner for my blog was to spend one to two hours every day brainstorming ideas with the help of Pinterest, Facebook, and the good old Google.

If you are using Pinterest, you have to do this on the desktop version. Since the app doesn’t give enough information about related topics.

When you search for new ideas on Pinterest, just search for any related topic in your niche and start looking at other articles. That will give you an idea of what others are writing about.

Also, pay attention to the “related articles” that Pinterest suggests. That will also give you an idea of what people are searching and what’s popular on that related topic.

You will find that info on at the top of the page or when you start typing on the search bar.

Not only that, it will also show you related group boards and accounts in that niche.

That is also helpful because you can search in there for even more content ideas for your blog.

You can even click on a pin, and scroll down to see more related topics.

On Google, you can do something similar.

I typed on the search bar some keywords. That would not only help me to find different websites on my niche, but it would also tell me what are my competitors writing about.

Lastly, I would search for some blog post ideas on Facebook. Even though is just a social media app, it can be super helpful!

But where in Facebook you might ask? In groups!

Not so long ago a joined many groups related to my niche. People ask so many questions there, and it’s a great source for new ideas. After all, I want to help and solve those problems for them.

For example; if I want write about long distance relationship, I would join different groups on that topic.

Not only is beneficial to find new content ideas, you can also promote your content there (in a very organically way). Someone would ask a question and you might have a blog post with that answer!


I did something else too.

I started to look for different blog post titles templates. You know, those very catchy titles that are supposed to get more clicks for the words they are using.

There’s truly a psychology behind writing the perfect blog post title. The words you use are important and I recommend you looking into that as well.

So after doing some research about it, I added several blog post title ideas (and words) to a different section on my OneNote app. A section that I named “Blog Titles SEO”. 

That way I could easily access them when I try to come up with the perfect post title.

An example of a title that people would click on is: “The Do’s And Don’ts Of …” or “Top 25 Quotes About…”. Catchy titles can make a difference!

If you want more title ideas for your blog posts, I created a list that you can download after you subscribe to my email list.

6. Setting your post in each month

So after researching content ideas for your blog, you can now start adding them to your OneNote app.

To have everything in one place. I would just add them at the top of the page, that way you can copy and paste from the same page.

This is what I normally do. I write all my ideas at the top, then I start adding the ideas on the month it belongs.

For example, if I want to write about “10 Scary TV Shows To Binge-Watch This Halloween Season“. I would go and add it either on October or September, depending on when I want my Halloween content to go live.

Some people say that you should write seasonal content ahead of time (around 2-3 months in advance). That will give enough time to show up on search engine platforms and to share your content on different places.

Below you can see how my content calendar works and looks.

How To Plan One Year Of Amazing Blog Content In 7 Days. Blogging Tips. Organization. Blog Tips For Beginners. Elephant on the Road.

So far, this idea has been working amazingly for me.

After I add the different post ideas on the months I want to publish them, I make sure to write them in my blog planner as well.

That way I can see them more often and plan my writing schedule ahead. Although I still need to work on that. I’m not so good at writing my content in advance.

Do you think this post about how to plan one year of amazing blog content in 7 days was helpful? Let me know in the comments!

If you have another way to plan content in advance let me know too!


Melissa Cruz.Blog Signature. Elephant on the Road.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 2018 and it has been updated with new links and information.


  1. This was amazing and so helpful! As a beginner, I am overwhelmed with everything, but you just made it so much easier on me! Thank you so much for putting this together!

      1. Hi! I just wanted to say this article was SO helpful and I appreciate you making it. Also, how amazing that you wrote this in 2018 and it is still going strong in 2024!!! So cool

        1. OMG yes! It’s a system that I have been using for years and even though I’m not using OneNote anymore and switched to Notion, I still follow the same steps. So happy to hear that my tips have been helpful.

  2. This is an amazing piece of work. Love your content organisation idea. I blog but do that whenever I get time to. Sometimes 2-3 post in a week and sometimes I just vanish. This is a great idea of planning the content. I would totally apply on this now!!🙌🏻 Thankyou

  3. Super smart idea here. Planning your blog posts out for even a series of months makes sense for when life intervenes. Doing this for a year really puts things into overdrive, in a serious way, especially when offline life gets hectic.


  4. Great post! I’m just starting my blog and didn’t think about seasonal content. I also didn’t know that some say you should do this 2-3 months in advance so I better get planning! Thanks again.

  5. This post was actually extremely helpful. More than I thought it would be.

    The idea of looking up holidays, observations and the less traditional days (cookie day, etc.) was SUPER helpful. Just doing through the entire year gave me so many ideas and it’s definitely a game changer. Super easy technique but very effective and efficient.

    Thanks for sharing! <3

    1. Hi Sandra! I’m so happy to hear that my tips were helpful. It’s honestly a great system and I have been using the same one for years and it still works great. Just an update I did recently. I moved everything to Notion, but One Drive is still a great option.

  6. This is one of the best posts I’ve read! I usually start reading and then get bored with the content and move away. This post kept me interested! Thank you. I’m planning on retiring and want to keep myself active and hoping blogging will get me through. So much I want to do and grow with this next endeavor.

  7. Thank you so much! I’m just getting started (haven’t even hit ‘Publish’ yet) and was getting overwhelmed with the idea of planning content. This helps see it in little bites.

  8. Thank you so much for this post! I just started writing again for my blog, and planning my content for at least the rest of the year will be amazing to keep me accountable! The examples you give are perfect and very helpful. I appreciate this very much.

    1. This makes me so happy! Coming up with content can be super stressful, but once you have a guideline it’s so much easier to schedule time for writing and create content!

  9. Thank you so much for this post! It really helped me get motivated and start actually planning my blog content out for the rest of this year.

      1. this is exactly what I was looking for. I started a blog a month ago but then got stuck on what to actually do! it is so easy to get stuck and give up. thank you for writing this

  10. I have been blogging for 4 years and I still haven’t been able to get a system in place! These are great tips as we are headed into Q1! Going to implement these into my New Year planning!

  11. This is so helpful, and I’m pleased to say that we have a very similar content organizing/planning method… except I use Evernote instead of OneNote, but otherwise, pretty much the same!

  12. Hey, just a quick heads up (Love the post by the way). I was trying to find you on Pinterest but none of your “Let’s Connect” buttons are working. I’ll follow the pin and get to it that way but I just wanted to let you know.

  13. I’m inspired! You do an incredible job getting creative, organizing your ideas, and producing excellent content. Since I share three posts in different genres each week, it can be a little more complicated, but I’ve gotten into an alright rhythm. Now I want to try OneNote and see how it benefits my blogging schedule! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are very welcome! This will definitely help you with the process of content creation. Being able to plan blog content with time is super helpful!

  14. Love this so much. It can really get overwhelming at times when planning for future content. Thank you for such amazing tips. This is gonna be so helpful.

    1. You are right! it can get so overwhelming to try and create content. This system helps so much with the stress of that situation! I’m so happy you found this helpful.

  15. This level of organization and efficiency is fantastic. You’ve built a robust system and clearly show to systematize creative work to deliver consistent results.

    Thanks for sharing, I was inspired to refine my own system going forward.

  16. This is so helpful! I’ve been trying to get back to blogging, and recently finding out that I’m being laid off of work makes this the perfect time to get to work on it. I’m definitely going to have to try this out.

    1. I’m so happy I can help! It can be tricky to try and organize everything but it’s definitely possible. Good luck with everything!

  17. This was incredibly helpful! I love the way you organized everything and really broke it down. It was practical and spoke to the way my mind works. I’ve been struggling with how to start a blog, and this has been the first post I’ve read that actually helped me feel like I could do it!

    1. This is amazing! I’m happy this post was helpful for you. It can be hard at first, but I have been doing this for 2 years now and I love it!

    1. Hi Luna! Thank you for your kind comment. I hope this is very helpful for you. I have been applying this process for two years now and it has helped me so much!

  18. Hello Melissa, I would love to thank youuu so much for these tips. I’m working on my blog website and i’m still juggling with what to write and stuff like that, but your post was very helpful. Thank you 🙂

    1. Hi Hakima! I’m so happy to know that this post was helpful for you. It can be a real struggle to come up with content for our websites.

  19. Hey Melissa!
    I absolutely love this idea. I have been getting off track recently with life getting in the way and had no idea where to start when planning content. I will definitely be using this in the future for my blog, such a wonderful idea!! Thanks! 🙂

    1. Hi Emily! I’m so happy to know that this is helpful for you. Before doing this I was struggling so hard to create content and now, after 2 years of doing this, it’s honestly the best! Helps me so much every month.

  20. Love the level of organization that goes into this. Def helpful as I tackle the ins and outs of establishing my niche, sites, and the thought of the blog. Thank you for all the insight!

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